

Bio Sketch of Jianfeng Zhu


Jianfeng Zhu, professor of medical anthropology, serve as a vice chair of Fudan-Harvard Medical Anthropology collaborative research center in the School of Social Development and Public Policy at Fudan University, Shanghai.


She gained her Ph. D. in anthropology from University of Minnesota in 2008. She publics widely in the fields of medical anthropology, critical public health studies and science technology studies(STS). She serves on the editorial board of East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (EASTS). Her research interests include reproductive health, selective reproductive technologies, genetic testing, mental health, biopower and governmentality, politics of care. She is currently collaborating with scholars from various disciplines-health communication, public health and clinical geneticists -to conduct an ethnographic research in Shanghai, Winning the second chance: Choice, prenatal genetic testing and national future. The project aims to examine the political, economic and cultural complexities around reproduction, eugenics and governing in unban China over the past forty years since 1978.







朱剑峰,2008年获得美国明尼苏达大学人类学博士。2009年在复旦大学任讲师、副教授、教授。从事医学人类学、科学技术人类学的研究。同时与公共卫生、健康传播学、生命伦理学等领域的专家进行跨学科的合作和发表。主要著作包括Winning the competition at the start line: Chinese modernity, reproduction and the desire for a “high quality” population (2014),并发表SSCI论文7篇,CSSCI论文10余篇。主持国家社会科学基金项目、上海市浦江计划项目,并参与上海市卫计委和教育局等项目。合作主持香港GRF项目,Winning the second chance: Choice, prenatal genetic testing and national future。她主要研究兴趣是从人类学的角度看待生殖健康,选择性的生殖技术,基因测试的文化意义及日常实践。目前担任复旦-哈佛医学人类学合作研究中心副主任,《东亚科学、技术与社会》杂志编委。